
Well, there's some sign of the carrot!

I never realised carrots would take so long to grow. Back in July we planted them. Just sprinkled them in a window box, which was apparently deep enough (after all, they were Japanese seed - from Korea I think, and there are really tiny carrots here!) So, stupidly enough I just sprinkled them all over the place, and for some reason, when they were just seedlings there were a couple of them round the edges and the rest all nicely lined up along the middle. It would've been nice if it had been along the middle, lengthwise, but unfortunately it wasn't. So after having tried to transplant (don't try to transplant carrot seedlings, they'll just die!) I just left the remaining leaves just as an experiment. I really should be more ruthless sometimes! 
You'll probably remember what they looked like back in September. They've just been looking exactly the same, but bushier. And just when I thought nothing was ever going to happen, today I discovered the tip of a carrot pushing it's way out of the soil! I tried to take a photo, but carrot leaves are green, the carrot itself is green, and I have a very shaky hand... so if it comes to anything I'll post a photo here ;)

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