
Well, there's some sign of the carrot!

I never realised carrots would take so long to grow. Back in July we planted them. Just sprinkled them in a window box, which was apparently deep enough (after all, they were Japanese seed - from Korea I think, and there are really tiny carrots here!) So, stupidly enough I just sprinkled them all over the place, and for some reason, when they were just seedlings there were a couple of them round the edges and the rest all nicely lined up along the middle. It would've been nice if it had been along the middle, lengthwise, but unfortunately it wasn't. So after having tried to transplant (don't try to transplant carrot seedlings, they'll just die!) I just left the remaining leaves just as an experiment. I really should be more ruthless sometimes! 
You'll probably remember what they looked like back in September. They've just been looking exactly the same, but bushier. And just when I thought nothing was ever going to happen, today I discovered the tip of a carrot pushing it's way out of the soil! I tried to take a photo, but carrot leaves are green, the carrot itself is green, and I have a very shaky hand... so if it comes to anything I'll post a photo here ;)


Now, what do I do with this?

Tempting, though I don't know where they could possibly go! Anyway, time for some research on garlic :)

"Please, just poke me in some soil..."


Tomato plant - back to life (or so it seems)

When we got our tomato plant it had been grown from seed, in a tiny pot, and I moved it into a less tiny pot. It then started growing really fast and looked beautiful until one day we had a typhoon... it sort of stayed bent over and didn't snap, so we bought it a little "cage" (as you can see in the photos) so at least it wouldn't fall too far! 

Then all the leaves started getting dry and droopy, and it started needing lots and lots of water (it still does... it's bone dry within hours of watering!) so we went on a mission... after lots of looking into what it needed we went off to try and decipher the contents of all the fertilizers and so on locally. Eventually we found one with a photo of a tomato on it, and managed to figure out the contents, and that it was good for tomato and strawberry plants... So after about 5 weeks of giving the tomato some fertilizer once a week, it's looking much better (just try and imagine what it was like before!), although for some reason the stem is still thin at the bottom, it seems to be growing up the way and the top is thick... take a look at the photos (sorry the first one's a bit fuzzy...)

Here's the whole plant in its "cage"

The stem of the plant

Some branches near the top

Hey! What's this! I never thought this day would come...


Strawberry's home for good!

I may have mentioned that once again, I moved the straberry plant... it was rooting like nobody's business and the runner was getting in the way when I tried to water, so we bought a strawberry container, planted the strawberry in the middle and tried to get the runner you can see at the bottom to settle down. It didn't work though, and I just noticed the other day that naughty little one on the top left-hand corner settled in on its own, right next to the border... ¬¬

I think I'm just going to let it do its own thing... *sigh*


Knitting tutorial part 2

In the first part of the knitting tutorial you learn how to make a single-coloured scarf using the knit stitch. Although I've been combining those videos with others in order to learn, here are some more from the same series which show you how to purl, join different balls of yarn (so you can change colour if you like) and join squares.

Garden update!

I haven't been posting about my garden because I've been knitting (or trying to, anyway!) and nothing much seemed to be changing, so here's what's been going on.

My herb garden's not doing all that well, especially the basil. Some of the thyme has died out, but a few seedlings are still hanging on there! The basil has some strange spots, which I think (hope) after looking around the Internet, may be due to cold weather. So while it's nice and sunny (20ºC) out there, my little pranter full of herbs sits outside, and it goes into the toilet overnight (so it doesn't overheat with the air conditioning, that is!)

My strawberry has moved again since my last post about it. Lazy me... more on that later.

Our tomato plant is terribly confusing... overall it looks terrible, but is still managing to give some fruit! 

The carrots look like they're coming along nicely, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens! I though by now we'd have some, I guess it may have something to do with the overcrowding in the planter, but I really feel too sorry to pull out any carrots!

The onions look exactly the same :(